Tag: New Year

Tips for 2020

3 Simple Fat Loss Hacks for 2020

As hard to believe as it may be, we’re now into another New Year, and more importantly, a new decade. With the festive season now a distant memory, many of you will be looking to start the new year on the right foot and make an effort to shed the holiday weight and begin burning fat and transforming your body. Losing fat is extremely difficult at times, but if you are committed and are willing to work for your goals, it can be done. A summer body is built in the winter, and what better time to start working on shedding those stubborn pounds of body fat, than right now? Here’s a look at 3 simple fat loss hacks for 2020.

Stop fad dieting

January is notorious when it comes to fad diets. The sheer volume of people who will be embarking on fad diets over the coming days and weeks is astonishing. Yes, when it comes to losing weight, diets are effective in that they help you to lose fat. The problem is that they aren’t sustainable. Most people that follow a fad diet will lose the weight, gain it back, and yo-yo diet over the year. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, the key is to change your lifestyle. Don’t starve yourself and force yourself to eat foods that you hate just because they’re low-fat/calorie. Instead, find healthy foods that you enjoy eating.

Find physical activities you enjoy

If you’re a gym-owner, the New Year will be one of the busiest times for you. Due to various New Year’s resolutions and weight gained over the holidays, people will force themselves to join the gym, even though they don’t necessarily enjoy going. If you enjoy exercising at a gym, that’s great, but if not, why do it? Why force yourself to endure hours on a treadmill when you’re hating every minute? There are plenty of ways to get fit and burn calories, so find something physical that you enjoy doing. If you’re into cycling, why not do more cycling? It’s a great form of cardio, and you’ll actually look forward to exercising. If you enjoy what you’re doing, it won’t feel like a chore and the experience will be a great deal more pleasant.

Stop going fat-free!

Seriously, it’s now 2020. We’re not living in the 1970s anymore, and we now know that fat is not the enemy. At least, not all fats. Unhealthy trans fats found in junk food should be avoided at all costs, but healthy fats found in foods such as nuts, seeds, and oily fish, are incredibly good for you. Eating small amounts of good fats per day will help speed up your metabolism and give your energy to exercise and burn fat. It will also help balance glucose levels and hormones, creating the perfect environment for losing weight. Fat-free foods are often packed full of chemicals and are actually very bad for you. As long as you monitor your fat intakes, healthy fats are perfect and should be embraced when trying to lose weight.