Tag: Prep

Meal prep done right

Getting Started with Meal Prep

Meal prep is a basic yet essential exercise for those working out wanting to lose weight. It requires a lot of planning dedication and determination but if it pays off and it pays off well. Meal prep is basically when you plan your meals ahead and prepare them all in one go to be eaten later on in the week. Meal prep is very economical and very healthy as your meals are already planned out so one doesn’t cave into those spontaneous cravings.

Get Ready

In order to start your meal prep simply make a meal plan in which you will write down what you shall consume during that week. Then make an itemized grocery list of what you ingredients you need to buy inorder to prepare those meals for that week, this way you will not spend extra money on junk or excessive items as you’d have planned to buy everything in a much specified quantity.

Food Prep Challenges

But meal prep comes with its fair bit of challenges such as social gathering, storage. Well the issue of storage can be tackled by freezing the individual components of the meal in separate boxes and storing them in the freezer then whenever one needs to prepare each meal one simply just take out the meal components from the freezer defrost them and cook them.

Stay Committed

Now in terms of meal prep one of the biggest issue one faces is social gatherings with friends and how can one stay committed during them well the answer is simple the days in which you are expected to go out simply don’t prepare a planned meal on those days that way food won’t be wasted you’ll enjoy social gatherings. Now that those problems are dealt with you need to make sure that your fridge is stocked with all the healthy basics required for those days. Also mix and match ingredients in order to keep things fresh and prevent the diet from being stale and predictable. Also in order to decrease the mess of cleaning up cook up single pot meals that way you can avoid cleaning extra dishes. Research suggests that by following this routine you can live a healthier lifestyle without the burden of sticking to a specific diet.

Losing weight as a vegan

Losing weight as a Vegan

We all know that one of the vegan stereotypes is the idea that all vegans are very thin and sickly. The last one is obviously not true but that first one is based on some truth. It’s based on some...