Tag: Tips

stay fit this christmas

Stay Fit This Christmas – Some Easy Peasy Tips!

In no time, Christmas is going to rise upon us and we all know someone who is going to gain those extra pounds they dread. While many people blame the delicious turkey and yams for it, we would name lack of exercise the culprit. During the holidays season, people forget the fitness routines and indulge in the food competitions (sarcasm intended!) That’s one of the main reason there are new faces in the gym after every holidays season.

But who says that hitting the gym is the only thing or one cannot stay during the holidays? We have planned some easy tips which are going to keep you fit without ruining the fun for you!

Don’t Forget To Eat Before Leaving

Holidays are all about visiting the family and going out for dinners so, while you are at it, eat something before leaving the house. It’s a scientific fact that when you are hungry and haven’t eaten, you tend to eat more than usual. So, eat before leaving so you aren’t tempted to overfill the belly.

Be Selective

What is holiday’s season without the treats, right? While we are at it, let us tell you to select the treats wisely. For instance, make a pact of eating only the rare treats and not something that is readily available on the kitchen counter!

Don’t Skip The Meals

You must have heard that eat your breakfast like the king and never skip it. The same rule implies to the holiday season as well. We understand that you might be tempted to sleep till late but if you want to stay fit, never skip it if you don’t want to make counterproductive results.

Drink Moderately

We know water goes into the bins while wines and cokes are taken out of the fridge during the holiday’s season. But on a practical level, that decision is only going to increase the inches on the waist, drink beverages but don’t forget to add water into the routine.

Stay Active

Everyone laze around and that’s what holidays are for, but make sure you aren’t becoming a lazy panda. Of course you cannot go to the gym, so just try to walk more and prefer stairs over lifts to keep active.

These tips are very simple to follow and adopt during the hustle and bustle of the holidays. So, what are you waiting for? Incorporate them and be the best version of yourself this Christmas!

Six pack ab tips

Six Pack Ab Training Tips

As you will no doubt be aware, obtaining that all-elusive six pack that we find so desirable is the equivalent of trying to get blood from a stone. Okay, that’s a little bit of an exaggeration, but it...