Facts about abs

Interesting Facts About Your Abs

For many of us, the only thing we really know about our abs is that they appear to be impossible to reveal. Training your abs is hard enough but training them and losing the fat covering them so that they become visible seems like an impossible task for many. Like most things in life however, the more we know about something, the easier it becomes to manipulate them and use them to our advantage. If you want a set of six pack abs, or if you just want to learn more about your anatomy, here are some interesting facts about your abs.

Not everybody has a SIX pack

Even though we commonly refer to our abs as a six pack, in truth, not everybody has a six pack at all. Thanks to genetics, body shape, and life in general, some people are only able to reveal 4 of their 6 abdominal muscles. Others may barely be able to reveal any abs at all, despite being ripped to shreds, incredibly lean, and having done a lot of ab work. Some people can have an 8 pack, whereas in rare cases a 10 pack is possible.

All six packs look different

We don’t need to tell you what a six pack looks like, as we’ve all seen them on social media, and on our G.I Joe action figures etc. What is interesting however, is the fact that all six packs look differently to one another. Again, this is due to genetics and body shape. Some people have wide and blocky abs, whereas others have thin and narrow abs. Some people’s abs are located higher on their stomachs than others. It isn’t the type of exercises you do that shape your abs, but rather it’s your genetics.

It’s harder for women to get abs

This isn’t a sweeping generalization or a chauvinistic remark, it’s a proven scientific fact. Women, genetically, find it harder to lose body fat than men. This is largely because from an evolutionary standpoint, women need to carry a little more fat than men. This is why it’s genetically harder for women to lose fat and get a six pack set of abs than men. So, the next time you see a ripped woman, you may want to stop and appreciate just how hard she’s had to work to get into the shape that she’s in.

Daily ab training isn’t necessary

If you want to build a set of six pack abs, it is worth noting that daily ab training is not needed. You don’t train the rest of your body every day, at least, you shouldn’t, so why would you train your abs daily? In truth, two or three ab training sessions per week are plenty. You will only really need to select 3 – 4 ab exercises, perform 3 – 4 working sets, and aim for around 20 – 30 reps per set to get the most from your training.


Sean is currently studying Sports Science. He has contributed to a number of fitness blogs including our sister site Bodybuilding Gold. Focused on helping you get the best results during your fitness journey.