
Fitness Goals 2020

How to Set and Stick to Fitness Goals

The holidays came and went. We’re into a new year, and consequently, many of you reading this will likely have set New Year’s Resolutions. Obviously, we all have different goals and objectives, but generally, most people’s New Year’s Resolutions and goals tend to be based upon health, fitness, and weight loss. It’s easy to set goals. Anybody can set a goal. The tricky part is setting goals and sticking to them. Luckily, we’re on the case and we’ve got your back. Here’s a look at several ways to set and stick to your fitness goals and objectives.

Set small and achievable goals

Okay, say for example, your goal is to lose weight. Ask yourself how much you want to lose to reach your ideal weight. If you’ve got to lose say, 50 pounds or more, that’s a decent amount to lose. If you were told you had to lose 50 pounds, it would sound very daunting and difficult. If somebody said that you had to lose 5 pounds, though, that’s far less daunting. Take your 50-pound goal, and, break it down into smaller goals of 5 pounds each month. Losing 5 pounds a month seems less daunting and much easier, which means you’ll likely stick to it. Setting small goals and targets in this manner means that you could realistically reach your 50-pound fat loss target in less than one year!

Make it enjoyable

One of the main reasons why people fail in terms of getting fit and/or losing weight, is because of the fact that they don’t enjoy the process. Eating bland, low-calorie meals will help you to burn fat, but you’ll likely hate every minute of it. If you hate the process, your mental health will suffer, you’ll make yourself miserable, and you run the risk of quitting and throwing in the towel. The key to success in terms of reaching your fitness goals and objectives is enjoyment. If you enjoy the foods that you eat and the exercises that you do, you’ll work harder and will stick with it. Eat healthy meals you look forward to, and find physical activities that make you feel happy, rather than fill you full of dread.

Make yourself accountable

Another useful tip when it comes to achieving your goals, is to hold yourself accountable. It’s easy to tell ourselves that we’re going to lose X amount of weight, but what about other people? Tell other people your goals and how much weight you plan on losing, as that way you’re accountable and will be less likely to quit. Accountability means that you’ll work harder for fear of looking like a failure. Once your goals are out there, you’ve committed to the cause and you will have to stick with it, or face the music, as it were.

Visualize success

Finally, the last tip we’re sharing with you today, is to visualize success. By this, we mean taking the time to clear your thoughts and to visualize yourself achieving your goals. Sticking with the weight loss theme, when you feel like quitting, picture yourself slimmer with your ideal body. Imagine all of the wonderful new clothes you can buy and imagine how great you’ll look with your new body.

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