Woman working out

Top Fat Loss Tips for Six Pack Abs

If you’re looking to build yourself a set of six pack abs, you’ll need to accept the fact that doing so is not easy. Revealing a set of ripped abdominal muscles is one of the toughest natural processes in the world today. One common mistake that people make when it comes to their abs, is assuming that ab training alone will get them a six pack that any bodybuilder would be envious of. In reality, revealing a six pack is all about losing the layer of fat coating the abs so that they become visible. Ideally, you’ll need to drop down to around 13% body fat or under in order for your abs to become visible. To help you show off your abs to the world, here are several fat loss tips to adhere to.


If you want to lose fat, even though diet is crucially important, you can’t neglect cardio. Cardiovascular exercise is one of the most effective methods of losing fat. Fat loss simply boils down to a matter of calories in versus calories out. This basically means that if you burn more calories than you consume, you’ll lose fat. Aim to perform cardio at least three times per week, if not more. Find a form of cardio that you enjoy, and be sure to really work hard when doing it.

Don’t neglect fat

People often find themselves avoiding fat when trying to lose weight, despite the fact that we now know about the many health benefits and fat loss benefits associated with healthy fats. If you’re looking to lose weight, you need to consume some healthy fats. Fats help boost brain power, they speed up fat oxidation, they boost the metabolism, and they play key roles in countless other physiological processes, including the regulation of a person’s metabolic rate. As long as you track your calories and don’t consume too many fats, the good fats that you do consume will help you to lose weight.

Track your calories

Forget about fad diets, forget about supplements, and forget about overcomplicating things. When it comes to fat loss, try to keep things simple. We can talk about metabolism boosters, ketogenic diets, paleo, homeostasis, and other technical terms until we’re blue in the face, but the basis behind weight loss is calories in versus calories out. Figure out your basal metabolic rate by using an online calculator, and you’ll then know roughly how many calories you need for maintenance. Now, simply create a slight deficit of around 300 – 400 calories below maintenance each day and you’ll lose weight. Track your calories as accurately as you can, making sure to remain in a deficit and the fat will melt away, leaving you with a six pack to be proud of.

Eat healthy foods you enjoy

Fat loss should not make you miserable. Rather than eating bland, yet healthy, meals that you hate, instead try to find healthy meals that you enjoy eating. If you enjoy the foods you eat, dieting and losing weight won’t feel like a chore.

Brad is personal trainer for PureGym UK and a key contributor to Six Pack Workouts UK and the 12WeekShred program. He specialises in body confidence, body fat reduction, nutritional guidance, strength and conditioning and weight loss with qualifications in various levels of personal training and nutrition.